Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Getting actionable ideas from Sprint Retrospectives

At the end of each Sprint our teams have a Sprint Retrospective.  In this meeting the team look back at the things that happened during that sprint.  Good, bad or indifferent, the points are discussed to allow the team to hopefully improve upon their performance during the next sprint.

The retrospective meeting is mainly for the benefit of the team however we sometimes ask our Product Owner along too.

During the meeting the Team are asked 3 questions:

·       What worked well last Sprint that we should continue doing?
·       What didn’t work well last Sprint that we should stop doing?
·       What should we start doing?

The Team then prioritise in which order they want to talk about the potential improvements and each item is then discussed separately and actionable items are collated by the ScrumMaster for implementation in the following Sprint.

To avoid the retrospective from becoming long, drawn out meetings we employ the following guidance:

·       Time box the meeting as these discussions have a tendency to run over.
·       Throughout the Sprint keep a log of things that happened during the sprint and things that the Team are doing differently to the last Sprint.  At the beginning of the meeting give an overview of these.  This helps focus the developers on improvements that could be made.
·       Each item raised should have an associated action for improvement.
·       Get the Team to write their points on post its and stick them to the wall.  Then ask them to prioritise the points to ensure that the most important ones are discussed first.

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